Friday, March 4, 2011

Cabin Fever

Day 10- A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

For some reason I had to really think about this for about 5 seconds. Then I heard Grace scream "freakin A!" from her room. This reminded me that the 3 of us living in the same house do the most messed up things together. We kicked off our marriage with the 2nd annual trip to the NASCAR All-star race (see left) as we dressed up like rednecks and made friends with a fan wearing fake teeth at the end. Not too long ago, we pulled THE biggest prank of all pranks on some friends of ours down the street. They still haven't figured it out. I can't tell you the hours we've spent in our kitchen late at night screaming about the stupidity of the world and all it's problems. We dance around the house constantly, like the night of the Harry Potter opening we drank butter beer and danced to Glee songs. We sit on our porch and watch ghosts walk by (true story) and watch our neighbors act crazy, while almost setting their house on fire with fireworks on new year's eve. One night we called the cops on our neighbors due to loudness, but about 10 people ended up getting arrested for drugs. The 3 of us watched the whole thing go down through our tiny bathroom door and crawling around the kitchen floor like spy's. Currently we are in the process of getting a restraining order on a 5 year-old boy who keeps banging on our door every day at 5:00 because we won't let him in. My roommates have given me quite an entertaining 2 years to say the least. If you want a big laugh or a good trash TV show, come on down to the Cabin. We'll be happy to mess up you're brain, too!


Brooke S said...

i love this and hate that this is part of my post-grad life that i missed. but it's always good to visit the cabin :)

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