Wednesday, March 9, 2011

California Dreamin'

Day 15- A picture of something you want to do before you die.
There are two US states that are superior to all others. You can't beat South Carolina, but California is a close second. Sure they're in billion dollars of debt and they'll soon break off into the Pacific ocean but it's beautiful out there. California combines all the things I love about the outdoors and includes perfect weather, all year round. In the same stretch of only a few miles, you'll see beach after beach and then mountain after mountain. Just on the 45 minute drive from San Jose to Santa Cruz, you drive through the mountains. Over the 10 weeks I was there, it rained 0 times, the temperature never got above 85, and humidity didn't exist. All that to say...I want to live there before I die. I'm not sure if a summer counts as "living there." And I don't know if it will actually come true because I have plans for staying at my current job here for a while. But California is and always has been my back-up plan. I have dreams about surfing and Santa Cruz and puppies almost every night. So I guess those are my favorite things and one day me and my future puppy will go to California and live and surf and be poor because it costs so much to live there. That sounds like a great life to me! And yes, I spent 10 weeks looking at the above picture, taken by my buddy Kelly.

1 comment:

Grace said...

Once I get Tennessee out of my system, I vote let's go get Cali out of yours. I'll be on board for that adventure.