Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Week

Don't stop reading my never updated blog these days, I'll try to do better. I don't have anything super spiritual or emotional to say. I just want to express my unmotivation for school to happen in a week. I need about another month or so before it starts, or maybe another summer so I can shoot for a better one. Although I am excited about the new graduate assistants I'll be working with since all of them are brand new this year. One is my roommate from my Ireland trip and she's pretty rad. I have 2 classes and should finish up my research project before December (but probably I won't). I'm teaching 2 rock climbing classes, working some ropes course sessions, working for parks and rec, attempting to be active in my honors fraternity, play in the church band, and host lots of people at my house every night I'm sure of it. Hello Fall.

In less stressful news: Eat Pray Love was a great movie, the book was even better. Mad props to Grace for getting me the book for my birthday and in 17 days I've read the whole thing with much excitement. I'm typically a slow reader so this is a big deal. The whole thing makes me want to travel, mostly to Bali where I can surf and see through the water. I'm heavily contemplating a big trip in May when I graduate. I have a few grand places in mind, probably not New York City any time soon.

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