Monday, August 30, 2010

Allostatic Load

I realize that my thoughts have been way past emo lately and for that I'm sorry. It's just going to have to be like that for a little while. This morning I had to literally talk myself into staying in grad school. I was overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do and decided that I didn't have the brain capacity for it and maybe I should skip this semester and come back to it later. After another good morning with my rock climbing class I remembered that it was 7am and I was sleepy when all that was decided. I would never go to school to be a teacher (thats why I didnt) but I do love teaching my class. Sure it's just rock climbing, a beginner 1 hour course but we have fun and we get to tie knots and climb up on things and be active and that's a good thing. I have a blind student in my class and on the day that I was told this, I really freaked out and decided that overall my semester would be a disaster. Turns out she's one of the best students and the rest of the class is being so helpful and are learning how to deal just like I am. So it's cool. My health class will be time consuming and I'm not that interested in it, but maybe I'll learn something. My sport marketing professor said you had to be a moron to get a B in his class and he's cynical and hilarious so I know I'll love it. Overall, the first week of class was successful. My planner for the next 3 months looks like it might explode so I don't really know what to do about that, but if grad school were easy I wouldn't even bother, right?

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