Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Favorites

Let's talk about shoes. I kind of love shoes. Not for the fashion part of owning shoes and matching and all that, but they're just fun. I like the way new shoes feel and more importantly I love how my Chacos feel. They're not new or fashionable but I love them a lot. You can take them on and off easily, they can go in the water, the mud, a long walk, while staying on your feet the whole time. As someone who likes to be outside and camp and play as much as I do, Chacos are my friend. I just recently bought Chaco flip flops since my rainbows got a hole in them, and dude. They are just as comfy. Cali will be getting a Chaco collar when she gets full grown. And yes I'm aware of how nerdy that makes me. But you should save up your bucks and let Chacos make your feet feel happy too. Have I EVER been wrong?

Chaco shoes are not to be confused with Choco Tacos, which are probably my favorite icecream treats. One are for your feet and the other is to eat. Both are good for the soul.

1 comment:

Brooke S said...

katie, i love you!