Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This may be just a little kumbaya for most, but I don't really care. I was in Gaffney this weekend and I straight worshiped at FBC! Unfortunately, it hasn't really felt like my home church for the past couple of years, and that's ok, I mean I'm never there. But this past sunday was about as close to heaven as things can get here. The place was packed with most of the congregation being youth who just got off of Impact weekend, a weekend that is very dear to my heart and it rocks. Youth were praisin some Jesus. Which is the norm in my little home town. Isn't that just cool? There are some major things going on in Gaffney and Blacksburg high school with FCA getting massive and athletes are praying before every game and things are happening that don't ever happen, especially among sports teams. Every time I go home I see more and more out of town college students from Limestone at church and helping out with our youth group. This really isn't surprising to me, seeing as how we have some of the best adults in our church and by far THE best youth pastor in the universe. Not everyone is a fan of church. We criticize it a heck of a lot, me included. And I will always think that there are problems within the church, that is the direct result of humans being born into sin. But I praise God for FBC Gaffney because they are telling people about Him. They are loving on youth and college students and athletes and lots of other people I'm sure that I don't know about. Just wanted to give Jesus some praise for a minute for the work He's always doin. That's all!

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