Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Greater things are yet to be done

Have I ever put out a prayer request on my blog before? Well, here is one. So the youth group at Manchester will be doing the 30-hour Famine this weekend. We are doing a lock-in for 24 hours at the church, with lots and lots of fun things going on! This is probably the most excited I've ever gotten over a youth event, mainly because I know how great of an experience it will be for everyone involved. I've also never done THIS much planning for an event before. I think I've taken on entirely too much, including giving the final teaching saturday night as well as worship. Teaching and playing guitar being the two of my weakest gifts as far as "leading" any kind of anything in the church. So, I'm on the border line of stressed out currently, and to top it all off I get to starve for 30 hours. I've only had this feeling a couple of times in my life honestly. One of those gut feelings that no matter how much you plan or how much worry you put into it, God is going to blow it up. I feel like I'm going to get a complete slap in the face over the weekend. A bed time doesn't exist, the wake up call for me will be 6am, and no food. Rock on Jesus.

The prayer request part would be for the youth. A couple of them have done a famine before, and others have no idea what they've signed up for. I just want everyone there to be so empitied and to come to realize even a little bit that only God satisfies us when we are. I really want the point of fasting for 30 hours to sink in and for them to understand WHY they are doing it, instead of it just being a weekend of fun. Also pray I don't die. From teenagers, not starving.

1 comment:

KtB in DC said...

"Also pray I don't die. From teenagers, not starving."

If I had a dollar for everytime I've prayed this, we wouldn't be in a recession ;)

We're doing the same thing...I get to starve, not sleep, and drive down to Raliegh...:D

oh what we do for God's people (I wouldn't have it any other way)